I actually really like this grab bag of info. All interesting, I like to know what you’ve been playing. Maybe an indie game and a retro game you are playing or planning on playing. One game I haven’t seen talked much yet but coming next week is phoenotopia. Sounds awesome. Also enjoy the discussion of what your kid is learning as I hope to use some of those techniques when I want to introduce my son to Nintendo. Anyways, keep it up and looking forward to the second indie metroidvania video you promised!

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Since you're like one of the best readers/viewers/etc., I'll give you a personal update on that second Metroidvania video. It was supposed to go up today or tomorrow, but it'll probably go up next week now. Long story short: I got two PAX Online (prerecorded) panels accepted and they need to be finished and sent in less than two weeks. Planning and recording those have taken up my time earmarked to put together that second indie Metroidvania video. However - I have interviews with three devs (from games in that video) that will probably go up soon.

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Thanks for the update - looking forward to the video whenever you have time for it - and looking forward to those PAX panels too! Busy man keep up the great work :-)

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